Ljudska univerza Šentjur

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Primary school for adults

Primary school for adults is intended for everyone who has not completed regular primary school. Participants complete two grades in one school year. Classes are held in the morning or afternoon. The primary school certificate is equivalent to that of a regular primary school.

The Ministry of Education funds the adult primary school programme and is free of charge for participants.

You can enrol in the Primary School for adults:
  • if you have attended primary school for nine years and, therefore, completed compulsory schooling, but have not successfully completed all the grades of primary school;
  • if you have finished primary school with an adapted programme with lower educational standards

You will be credited with all the requirements you have completed in your previous education.
To enrol in the programme you need:
  • an identity document,
  • a birth certificate,
  • a marriage certificate,
  • a certificate stating that you have completed compulsory schooling
  • a certificate of completion or a school report of the last primary school grade completed or last attended
  • you will finish school once you have successfully completed all the requirements for Grade 9
  • you can also take the national examination on a voluntary basis
  • you can then continue your education for a level IV or V qualification in different secondary schools

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