Ljudska univerza Šentjur

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Initial Integration of Immigrants

Initial Integration of Immigrants (Začetna integracija priseljencev) is a publicly valid education programme of teaching Slovenian to the immigrants.
The programme integrates contents from every-day life and work, which stimulate the integration of immigrants into the Slovenian society.

Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for the Support and Integration of Migrants
15. 6. 2023 – 30. 4. 2024 , 1. 11. 2021 – 31. 10. 2023

The programme is aimed at foreigners who are not citizens of the European Union and includes learning the Slovenian language and familiarising with Slovenian history, culture and the constitutional system of the Republic of Slovenia. The process of learning the Slovene language includes content from life and work that strengthens the integration of immigrants into Slovenian society.

  • original certificate obtained from the administrative unit of the place of residence
    on the basis of a request for free learning of the Slovenian language for a maximum of
    180 hourse in total.
  • a valid identity document

You can apply here.
You can send your application form to info@lusentjur.si, or bring it to the headquarters of the Adult Education Center Šentjur, Mestni trg 5.
We will contact you once we have formed a group.


The course is held in groups of up to 15 participants.
The course schedule is adapted to the majority of participants and the lecturer.
The course is divided into:  

  • ZIP (60 hours), which is for beginners, adult immigrants aged 16 and over who are literate in Latin.
  • The ZIP Continuation Programme (120 hours) is for those who have successfully completed the ZIP Beginner Module or the 60-hour Slovenian language course.


Upon completion of the programme, the participant receives a publicly valid certificate of participation.

Anyone who meets the 80% attendance requirement can apply for a certificate to take the examination in Slovenian
at the basic level (A2/B1) free of charge at the competent administrative unit.
The exam can be taken at the Adult Education Centre Celje, UPI Adult Education Center Žalec or the Adult Education Centre Rogaška Slatina.

For more information, please contact us on (03) 747 16 70 or by e-mail info@lusentjur.si

The implementation of the Slovenian language learning programme and familiarisation with Slovenian history, culture and constitutional system in the form of a single programme Initial Integration of Immigrants (ZIP) is co-financed by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) – 75% and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Support and Integration of Migrants – 25%.

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